Treatment of Low Back Pain with SpecificAcupoint. A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial
Marco Aurelio Dornelles, MD
Freire Alemao,۶۱۶/۳۰۳
۹۰۴۵۰-۰۶۰ - Porto Alegre
RS - Brazil
Low back pain is acommon disease that injury a lots of people, causing physical impairment,pain and disability. It’s treatment is long lasting and expensive topatient and society. The purpose of this trial is to offer a new modelfor acupuncture treatment to low back pain Acupuncture treatment of achronic low back pain was studied in a placebo-controlled double-blindcrossover trial completed by ۱۸ patients. Their pain were measured byVASP (Visual Analog Pain Scale ). These patients were randomly selectedin two Groups : A and B. The A group received acupuncture needle atpoints K۳ ; UB۲۳ ; UB۵۲ ; UB۵۸ during first phase of treatment which lastedfour weeks, and placebo acupoint during the second phase of trial. The BGroup ( also ۴ weeks ) that started with placebo acupoint ( S۴۱, L۹, L۱۳and BAXIE ) was changed during the second phase of treatment to specificacupoints and lasted four weeks, too. A significant reduction of ۴۳% inthe "VASP" occurred in the first phase of treatment for the AGroup. On the other hand, the reduction of only ۱۷% in the B Group wasnot significant. During the second phase of treatment the reduction was۵۲ % for the A Group and ۷۱ % for the B Group . Finally when both groupswere receiving acupuncture in specific points the reduction wassignificant only Group B . This trial was completed with success using agroup of points needling was theoretically; irrelevant sites as placebogroup and showed that is necessary specific acupoints for the treatmentof low back pain.
Numerous studies reportthe ability of acupuncture to reduce the pain in acute and chronic cases(Pommeranz,۱۹۸۷), but most of there are either anecdotal or employinappropriate methodologies. In fact, scientific data for acupuncturesafety and efficacy based on well-controlled studies utilizing acceptablemethodologies and pain models is limited (MacDonald,۱۹۸۳).
A key problem withacupuncture research has been the difficulty in designing appropriatecontrol groups (Campbell,۱۹۹۱). In some cases elaborate physicalprocedures such as mock transcutaneous nerve stimulation ( mTENS ) havebeen employed (Lewith,۱۹۸۳). However, despite its frequency in theliterature, this practice is problematic because TENS in not acupuncture,and its use as a control is questionable. Very few studies used anadequate placebo procedure (Moore,۱۹۷۶). Another control commonlyemployed is "sham " acupuncture, in which needles are insertedat variables distances from the "real " acupuncture points, andwith variable depth (Edlist et al, ۱۹۷۶). One argument suggest that painattenuation by sham acupuncture may be due to diffuse noxious inhibitorycontrol (Takeshige,۱۹۸۹), and his may confound efforts to testacupuncture effects. Another difficult to choose sham acupuncture is thefact that to show statistical significance in the differences betweensham-point needling and true-points needling requires huge numbers ofpatients ( at least ۱۲۲ per study ), in accordance with Vicent andRichardson´s (۱۹۸۶) point of view. In this way, sham acupuncture is notan appropriate control.
Other common problems inacupuncture studies include ambiguous inclusion or diagnostic criteria,non-standard outcome measures, and insufficient follow-up periods(Patel,۱۹۸۷) . In many studies, patients, evaluation procedures, andstatistical analyses are often inadequately described (Patel,۱۹۸۹).
Acupuncture can beapplied to any of several hundred known acupuncture points all over thebody. It has been reported that the application of acupuncture to aparticular point is critical for analgesia to develop in a region of body (Crozeet al,۱۹۷۶) . Although the old Chinese acupuncture theory of ahypothetical system of energy channels or meridians was considered thebasis for acupuncture specificity (Chang,۱۹۷۹), the current scientificexplanation over this specificity is conflicting. Chung(۱۹۸۹) demonstrateno evidence for stimulation point specificity for the production ofanalgesia, although other papers has been showed that acupuncture pointstimulation is not effective in causing analgesia in all animals, classifyingrats in two types, the responders and nonresponders to acupuncture points(Takeshige,۱۹۸۳) and acupuncture points and nonacupuncture points aredistinguished by differing central pathway (Takeshige,۱۹۸۹).
In order to resolve someof the methodological problems apparent in the literature and develop amodel for appropriate acupuncture evaluation of low back pain, we havecompleted a pilot study.
The present study isplacebo-controlled and double-blind, which objectives are:
۱ - to observe if theuse of a group of acupoint selected without effect over the low back painis an appropriate control group; and
۲ - if there areacupoint specific to treat low back pain.
Twenty acupuncture naivepatients with chronic low back pain without rhizopathy and had beenfailed to derive sufficient relief from appropriate conventional methodsof treatment were included after they accepted the study design. Allpatient were referred to us before they were examined by a clinical assistantwho blinded regarding what treatment group the patient belonged to. Thepatients were informed that we studying the effect of two differentmethods equally efficient against their low back pain. Thus, the patientswere informed that placebo treatment will be an efficient new acupuncturetreatment.
Before the patients wereexamined a random process was used to divide the sexes and age equally aspossible between the two groups. The acupuncture group had ۷ females and۳ males and placebo group ( nonspecific acupuncture points ) had ۶females and ۴ males, whith ۵۲ years old of mean age for first group and۵۴ years old for the last group.
The treatments weregiven twice a week for eight weeks. All patients were randomly allocatedto either of two groups. Group A received specific acupuncture needles atpoints K۳, UB۲۳, UB۵۲ and UB۵۸ bilaterally, and one needle at DU۳ and DU۴as described by Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) (Pommeranz,۱۹۸۷) totreat low back pain during first phase of treatment lasting four weeks.Group B received placebo acupoints defined like acupoints without effectsover low back pain, in accordance with TCM at points S۵۱, L۹ and LI۳,bilaterally and two needles at Baxie acupoints, lasting four weeks as in theGroup A. Then after that period the patients crossed over and receivedthe alternate for four weeks. The maximum number of treatments betweenthe two phases was arbitrarily defined as ۱۰ ( ten ).
Huskisson (۱۹۷۴)described an visual analogue scales for subjective measurement of pain. Ahorizontal line ۱۰۰ mm in length, with ۰, "no pain at all "and۱۰ ", pain as severe as it could possibly be’’ at the left and rightextremes, respectively, scored by measuring the distance of patient’smark before each treatment phase by an independent Clinical Assistant.Initial assessment was followed by a one-week baseline observation periodduring which the patients recorded pain severity using the Visual AnalogueScale of Pain ( VASP ) and that assessment had served for control in eachgroup.(TABLE I ).
Acupuncture wasperformed according to TCM (Pommeranz,۱۹۸۷) by a physician trained at theChinese Traditional medical Research Institute in Pekin (Author). Withthe patient in lateral decubitus, ۱۰ (ten) needles were inserted closethe spinal at tenderness points and at distance acupoints defined asefficient to complete the treatment. The needles were left in situ for ۳۰minutes with no further stimulation.
The placebo groupconsisted in the use of local and distant acupuncture points withouthrelation with low back pain, in accordance with TCM. Ten needles wereused at each treatment session and left in situ for ۳۰ minutes with nofurther stimulation in the same way like acupuncture group.
The t-Test, atsignificant level for p < .۰۵ , was used to compare the specificacupoints against nonspecific acupoints and whether that nonspecificacupoints may be considered an adequated placebo procedure.
Results are presentedfor the ۱۸ patients who completed the trial. Two patients failed tocomplete the first phase of group B ( placebo ). The patients reportedthat the pain was the same at beginning of treatment and they notcontinue the trial.
Table I comparesdecrease in Visual Analogue Scales of Pain ( VASP ) in the patientsgroups before and after treatment sessions and the pain reductionobserved and the baseline observation. A significant reduction in theVASP occurred in the first treatment phase for Group A and, inversely, inthe Group B the reduction was not significant. The reduction was ۴۳% forGroup A receiving acupuncture, and ۱۷ % for Group B receiving placebo.Further reduction in the VASP occurred in both groups during the secondphase of treatment. The reduction was ۵۲ % for Group A, now receivingplacebo, and ۷۱ % for Group B, now receiving acupuncture. This reductionwas significant for only Group B .
( ۱ WEEK )
۴۹.۲ %
۴۸.۹ (۲.۸)
۲۷.۵ (۲.۴)
۴۳ % ( S )
۴۳.۴ %
۴۴.۲ (۲.۷)
۳۶.۶ (۳.۶)
۱۷ % (NS)
۲۷.۵ (۲.۴)
۱۳ (۱.۳)
۵۲ % (NS)
۳۶.۶ (۲.۶)
۱۰.۶ (۱.۲)
۷۱ % (S)
S = Significant ( p<.۰۵ )
NS = Not Significant
Because patients enteredthe study on voluntary basis, the group was self-selected and randomisedtrial was defined. This may be important because the patient’s expectantattitude to acupuncture could affect the response to treatment (Mendelsonet al,۱۹۸۳) . The same way, the clinical observer that assessed allpatients at the beginning and the end of each course of treatment and thephysician that applied the needles were blinded one each other. Therapistexpectant effects upon patient assessement and other methodologicalartifacts may equally well create the appearance of trends in data(Patel,۱۹۸۷;Patel,۱۹۸۹) which do not deserve to be with this design. Thistrial was double-blind as it was not possible to be sure that the patientswould not describe, during the second assessment, the methods oftreatment that had been employed.
Although, in this trialwas not used a rest period between the phases this is not important,because the follow-up periods have been variable with the effects ofacupuncture persisting since ۴۰ hours (Fox,۱۹۷۶) until ۱۲ months(Carlson,۱۹۹۳). The relative long-term follow-up data is especiallydisappointing with chronic pain patients where the need to demonstratelasting benefits from any new treatment is of paramount importance(Richardson,۱۹۸۶).
The overall significanceof point location is unclear as yet. The majority of studiesinvestigating this question have compared acupuncture at classical siteswith needle insertion at random or theoretically irrelevant locations(Patel,۱۹۸۷). Of eleven controlled clinical trials in this category fivefind classical acupuncture to be significantly more effective than thecontrol group and the remaining find non-significant differences infavour of acupuncture. In this trial were tested with success the use ofa group of points needling at theoretically irrelevant sites as a placebogroup.
Satisfactory pain reliefwas defined by Beecher (۱۹۵۵) as a ۵۰ percent or greater reduction ofpain severity. More recently, a reduction of ۳۳ percent in pain severityhas been accepted as significant (Moertel,۱۹۷۶). Based on this criterion,in the first phase of the trial acupuncture led to satisfactory painrelief (۴۳ % ), whereas placebo did not ( ۱۷ % ). This was reversed duringthe second phase, with the placebo group reporting ۵۲ % pain reductionagainst with ۷۱ % for the acupuncture group. However, the both groups hadreduction on VASP during the trial, when the acupuncture was used theresults were more significant than placebo acupuncture group. Group Ashowed a significant reduction on the first phase of trial and althoughthat effect can be observed on the second phase of the trial this waslesser than Group B, now using acupuncture points. Possibly, this effectsis attributed to a physiological or psychological states induced by thefirst treatment and persisting during the second phase of the trial(Price et al,۱۹۸۴) or an increase in the endorphin level in thecerebrospinal fluid (Sjolund et al,۱۹۷۷), caused for any stimulation onthe body skin (Han, ۱۹۸۹).
This study have beenconcluded the following :
a- this pilot studyprovides an effective model for evaluation of efficacy on low back pain.
b- the present trialsuccessfully established a valid nonspecific group of acupoints as acontrol group (placebo ).
c- specific acupoints totreat low back pain, in accordance with TCM, is more effective thannonspecific acupoints used like placebo.
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